A friend of mine a year ago introduced me to the PostSecret website about a year ago last summer. Post Secret is an anonymous project started by artist Frank Warren in 2004. People from all over the country, and even from overseas, send Frank homemade postcards with everything from secret desires, embarrassing habits, hopes, and dreams. Frank updates the PostSecret website every Sunday with twenty new secrets each week (PostSecret is actually a blogspot website). Frank's postcards have been featured all across the country, from PostSecret books to the music group All-American Reject's music video "Dirty Little Secret".
When I first saw the PostSecret website, I was almost overwhelmed with the amount of emotion on one single webpage. I now devotedly check the website every Sunday, waiting to see the week's new secrets. Some of the secrets make me smile, often reminding me of myself. Some of the secrets almost bring me to tears, some of the secrets so painful and depressing one cannot help but be empathetic towards the anonymous sender.
I myself have mailed PostSecret two secrets of my own. I felt overwhelmingly calm and at peace when I finally dropped my postcards into the mail slot, the weight of the world finally lifted off my chest.
Maybe you've seen my secrets, and maybe you haven't. But I have given my secrets away, no longer buried inside me causing the pain of a thousand hurts.
When I first saw the PostSecret website, I was almost overwhelmed with the amount of emotion on one single webpage. I now devotedly check the website every Sunday, waiting to see the week's new secrets. Some of the secrets make me smile, often reminding me of myself. Some of the secrets almost bring me to tears, some of the secrets so painful and depressing one cannot help but be empathetic towards the anonymous sender.
I myself have mailed PostSecret two secrets of my own. I felt overwhelmingly calm and at peace when I finally dropped my postcards into the mail slot, the weight of the world finally lifted off my chest.
Maybe you've seen my secrets, and maybe you haven't. But I have given my secrets away, no longer buried inside me causing the pain of a thousand hurts.